Nintendo NX rumors continue swirling, with the latest being a real doozy. Dr. Serkan Toto, CEO of Tokyo-based game industry consultancy company Kantan Games claims to have a reliable source that states Super Smash Bros. will be a launch title for the upcoming console. Furthermore, he claims that Bandai Namco Entertainment is currently developing multiple Nintendo NX titles, with Smash Bros. possibly being one of them.

This seems outlandish at first, but Toto has actually be a reliable source of Nintendo leaks before, having been at the forefront of the DeNA partnership that was announced last year. Also, while the initial thought of a new Super Smash Bros. game doesn’t make a lot of sense, the idea of a compilation style entry actually does.

If this rumor turns out to be true, it is most likely that we will see a NX enhanced version of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, instead of a brand new game. Smash Bros. games are infamous for the amount of time they take to develop, with the number of fighters causing a huge amount of balancing issues for the developer.

Instead of creating something new though, it is much more likely that Nintendo would publish a Super Smash Bros. Complete Edition, or something like that. This would mean players got an enhanced game, possibly with all of the currently released DLC contained in it, with maybe a few extras thrown in. Combine that with the rumored higher performance of the Nintendo NX, and you have the definitive version of Super Smash Bros. 4.

Of course, this is still firmly in the rumor category, having come from just this one source, but Toto feels that it is strong and reliable. Nintendo NX rumors are a dime a dozen these days though, so we’ll have to wait until Nintendo finally opens up about the console, which should happen at this year’s E3 convention.

  • This article was updated on March 9th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Rumor: Super Smash Bros. to be a Launch Title for Nintendo NX

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