Fearing a planet-wide extinction from a massive asteroid headed towards Earth, world leaders are faced with the inexorable task of ensuring human survival. Left with few alternatives, life-sustaining pods filled with select people are buried deep beneath the earth’s surface. You are one of the chosen members of these modern day arks and abruptly enter the RAGE  universe after surfacing alone. Leaving you to your own devices to stay alive in a world filled with those who prefer you dead, RAGE combines powerful storytelling with heart-pounding action.

Not up to speed on all that RAGE has to offer? Have a look at the developer diaries for the game.

Enemies of Rage | The Wasteland | The Back Story | Id Tech 5 Engine

RAGE is getting set for an October 4th release on PC, Xbox 360, PS3.

  • This article was updated on March 9th, 2018

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