The Switchblade update is here
Update 1.62 has arrived for Rogue Company, and here’s the full list of changes and fixes added with this patch.
Today’s new patch for Rogue Company is a huge one because it adds the major ‘Switchblade Update’ to the game. Not only do you get to play as a new character, but there is also a new event and other additional game modes included.
Aside from the aforementioned new content, the game’s update also has many balance changes. To be more specific, the weapons have been balanced to even out the gameplay between players.
If you are playing the PS4 version, the patch number is 1.62. Over on the PS5, it’s version number 01.000.009.
Anyway, you can check out the patch notes below.
Rogue Company Update 1.62 Patch Notes
From a young age, Switchblade’s been on the run and doesn’t know why. Everyone she gets close to ends up dead. Signing up with Rogue Company is a temporary thing as the Director promised her if she joined, the team would find out who’s made her life a living Hell. Switchblade doesn’t believe in promises, but it feels nice to pretend that she does.
Primary: MLX Mark 4
Primary: 24S
Secondary: Spitfire
Melee: Baseball Bat
- Bounce Grenade – A grenade that starts it’s fuse when bouncing off walls
- Flashbang – A grenade that temporarily blinds anyone within its blast radius
- Beserker
- Toughen Up
- Bounce Back
- Tenacity
- Life Drain
- Replenish
Chaos Launcher
Equip a launcher that fires a Napalm Warhead. On impact, the warhead deals damage and releases a cluster of napalm in the area.
Fight and Flight
Gain increased movement speed after using your ability or gadgets.
New Core Mode : 6v6 King of the Hill
King of the Hill just got better in a brand new Core Mode! It’s the same best of 3 respawn mode you know you’ll have more teammates! As in our 4v4 mode, you will gain points by securing and holding a control point!
- This new mode will replace Extraction which will move to a Limited Time Mode
- Each round lasts 5 minutes
- Each second on the hill gains you points but you must remain within this area
- The hill moves to a different location every 75 seconds
- The first team to score 150 points or the team with the most points when the time expires wins
- Sudden Death occurs if the losing team is on the hill when the match timer runs out and the game continues until every team member has been removed
King of the Hill has proven extremely popular with the community and as a result we believe it should become one of our Core modes. While not as popular as other modes, we still love Extraction and even though 6v6 KOTH will replace it, look for it to rotate in as a Limited Time Mode in the future.
The Arms Dealer Event is back and better than ever! Complete missions, earn Credits, and exchange them for Shipments with unique rewards!
Players will begin by selecting a mission from the list available. Once a player completes it, they will receive Credits which can be exchanged for shipments. Any unspent credits at the end of the event will be exchanged for Reputation.
Only one Mission can be active at any given time, however progress will not reset if a player switches between them and progress is earned through any available game mode.
Standard Missions
- Additional Standard Missions will unlock each time a Shipment is unlocked
- Standard Missions are repeatable.
Exclusive Missions:
- These missions are unlocked for 500 Rogue Bucks
- Exclusive Missions offer greater rewards
- These missions may only be completed once
There are two types of Shipments:
Standard – Can be purchased with Event Currency. There are 8 available total
Special Reserve – This will unlock after all other Shipments have been purchased
AFK/Leaver Backfill Functionality
We have received a lot of feedback from our community about players who will AFK/leave a match and their impact on your time in-game.
While we do have processes in place to discourage this practice such as Deserter Penalties or, in severe cases, suspensions – we are adding a new feature to help alleviate these concerns further.
Starting with the Switchblade Update, players who are detected as AFK or leave a game will be replaced by a Bot. If said player reconnects to the match, they will then replace the Bot.This is part of a long-term initiative which we will discuss in detail shortly after PTS, so please be sure to share your feedback with us as we work on the system
- Players can now use Gadgets on Ziplines.
“The HRM30K struggles against enemies who have access to armor. By increasing the Headshot damage from 40 to 42, the HRM30K will now down armored players with three shots instead of four. This maintains the weapons identity of being a slow firing, heavy hitting assault rifle, and makes it a more favorable choice.”
Headshot damage increased from 40 to 42 to have optimal TTK versus armor.
“The Nightshade is an Assault Rifle and SMG hybrid which is designed to have the fastest Bodyshot Time to Kill of all Assault Rifles. Unfortunately the Nightshade struggles when going against enemies who have access to Armor. By increasing the Bodyshot damage from 17 to 18, the weapon will now armored players with seven shots instead of eight.
Damage increase from 17 to 18
- Reduced Falloff Range Damage
“The Mamba has a difficult time competing against other weapons inside of the DMR category. By increasing both the Headshot and Bodyshot Damage, we’re creating a more consistent experience across all damage ranges.”
Headshot damage increased from 24 to 25.
Body damage increased from 15 to 16.
“After the Time to Kill reversion, the MX-R was left in a weakened state. The MX-R was being outclassed by the majority of Assault Rifles at all ranges. By increasing the Fire Rate, we’ve found the MX-R to return to its former glory.”
Fire Rate increased from 4.65 to 4.88
A3 Salvo
“The A3 Salvo has been the weakest pistol in the game and a constant pain point for our players. Due to community feedback, we’ve decided to buff this weapon across the board!”
Fire Rate increased from 3.92 to 4.26
Increased Headshot damage from 23 to 24 per bullet.
Increased body damage from 19 to 20 per bullet.
LW6 Revolver
“The LW6 Revolver hasn’t been performing nearly as well as we’ve intended. This fire rate increase should help Dallas win more pistol rounds.”
Fire Rate increased from 2.78 to 3.03
““Shotguns are underperforming. We’ve decided to increase the range on some of our Shotguns to see if that puts them in a more favorable spot.”
- Increased range from 6.5m to 8m.
- Increased Damage Range from 7.5 to 9.
- Increased Falloff Damage and Range.
S12 Tactical
- Fire Rate increased from 2.67 to 3.0.
- Increase Damage Falloff 1 Range from 16m to 17m.
Striker 8×10
- Fixed an issue where the weapon was less accurate when aiming
- “The 24S will be receiving a meaningful Level 3 Upgrade as well as getting a small body damage boost. By increasing the body damage to 16, the 24S will need one less shot to down enemies who have armor.”
- Damage increased from 15 to 16.
- Level 3 upgrade now provides kick reduction as well.
- “The LMP-X will be receiving a damage falloff range increase to help maintain its identity of being a SMG/Assault Rifle Hybrid.”
- Increased falloff gap from 12m to 14m.
“Snipers are getting a Tier 3 Headshot Damage increase to help counter Rogues such as Chaac whose ability gives him bonus health.”
- Level 3 upgrade now increases headshot damage. Damage is 175
- Fixed an issue where the player wouldn’t reload after shooting.
- Level 3 upgrade now increases headshot damage. Damage is 200. .
“A major request from the community was for Chaac to have access to the Berserker perk. We agree with the community’s sentiment and have made the change!”
Now has Berserker instead of Cloaked
“Sadly Dima is underperforming. We’ve seen that DIMA’s mirv launcher is easy for players to avoid and Nimble Hands is rarely purchased on him. With that said, we’ve decided to reduce the fuse time of the MIRV Launcher and DIMA will now have access to Stalker.”
MIRV Launcher fuse reduced from 1.8s to 1.5s.
Now has Stalker instead of Nimble Hands.
“We wanted to lean into the playmaking potential of Fixer’s kit by giving him Replenish. This was a wonderful community request that will reward Fixer for hitting Headshots with the Tyr.”
Now has Replenish instead of Headstrong.
“There isn’t a major difference between having an “okay” game with Kestrel and a “great” game due to her passive ability. Kestrel is able to freely buy any, and sometimes all, items from the Item Shop. We will be reducing the amount of bonus cash she receives to combat that issue.”
Bonus cash from passive reduced from $1,000 to $500.
“Lancer is designed to be our Rogue who excels at breaking positional timers and flanking the enemy team. Unfortunately Lancer is having hard time executing flanks in Demolition. By increasing the time she has in her ability, Lancer is able to cover more ground.”
Ability duration increased from 10s to 14s.
“Since the release of Rogue Company, Ronin’s passive has always been viewed as weaker than the rest of the lineup. We’ve decided to lean into the ethos of her passive ability and make her immune to reveals as well as enemy radar detection!”
Passive Buff: Immune to reveal and enemy radar detection.
“Seeker will be receiving a couple of buffs to increase his overall desirability and allow him to compete in respawn game modes. We’ve decided to reduce the cooldown on his ability while simultaneously increasing the reveal radius of his arrow. We’ve also increased his passive ability to provide more bonus damage to ensure the arrow will down enemies with armor.”
Reduced Arrow Recharge rate from 45s to 40s.
Reveal radius increased from 7.5 to 8
Passive increased from 60% damage to 70%.
“Talon’s Radar Dart will be receiving a diameter buff. This buff allows Talon to have better visibility over a lot of key choke points throughout our maps.”
Talon dart range increased from 20m to 23m.
“Since the dawn of time Rogue Company players have wanted Trench’s barbed wire to deal damage to their opposition. After much deliberation and testing, we finally agree with you all.”
Barbed Wire now deals 5 damage every 0.25s when an enemy is standing in it.
Adrenaline Stim
“The Adrenaline Stim is overperforming for its current cost. We will be increasing the cost of the gadget slightly.”
Cost increased from $3K to $4K
Level 1 cost increased from $2K to $3K
Level 2 cost increased from $3K to $4K.
Bounce Grenade
- “The Bounce Grenade needs a small adjustment to help it compete with other lethal gadgets.”
- Fuse reduced from 1.25s to 1.1s.
Padded Steps
- Cost increased from $3K to $4K
- Assists will give out $250 instead of $500 for all game modes.
NEW Team Deathmatch 6v6 LTM
- It’s Team Deathmatch but now with more players!
- As in the current Team Deathmatch modes, players can access the Item Shop while they are Eliminated.
KOTH 4v4 Custom
- This LTM is now available in Custom Matches
- Hills move in a fixed pattern every round.
- Players have access to the Item Shop while they are Eliminated.
- In order to reduce spawn camping, spawn locations will now flip
- Players have access to the Item Shop while they are Eliminated.
- Removed as a permanent game mode and moved to an LTM.
For more info about this patch, you can head on over to the official website. Rogue Company is out now for the PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
- This article was updated on July 9th, 2021
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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Rogue Company Update 1.62 Patch Notes