The Nintendo Switch version of Animal Crossing could be coming out as early as Q1 2019 next year, according to a report by Loot Pots.
The news comes from a source at Loot Pots that the site claims have been correct previously. The game is currently being penned for a late Q1 or early Q2 release date, which means we could expect to see it release from March to May. The game is also expected to be targeting the usual $59.99 price tag like other Switch titles.
Loot Pots does mention, however, that its best to take this news with a pinch of salt until Nintendo officially puts out an announcement. Any potential reveal of the release date could be revealed in a Nintendo Direct early in the year if the report turns out to be true.
Realistically though, the game seems unlikely to release at that time. Q1 and Q2 of next year are already stacked for Nintendo with Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, Fire Emblem Three Houses, and the next Yoshi game all coming out around the same timeframe. The game would be better suited to release in the Summer or even until the end of the year to make it one of Nintendo’s big holiday releases.
Regardless of when the game comes out though, 2019 is already looking great for Nintendo. We have yet to hear about the next core RPG Pokemon game which is expected to release next year as well, alongside titles like Metroid Prime 4 which still don’t have a release date at this time.
Animal Crossing for Nintendo Switch is expected to release sometime in 2019. Let us hope the rumors are true so that we can get our hands on it sooner rather than later.
Source: Loot Pots