This Red Dead Redemption 2 Controls guide provides detail on what actions each key/buttons of PS4 and Xbox One controller will do. All the images you see below show Red Dead Redemption 2 Controls for PlayStation 4 (we are not adding a separate image for Xbox One because we expect Xbox One controller configuration to be the same).

Controls For PS4 And Xbox One

Furthermore, each category below features 3 images, we decided to go with this structure because few buttons perform more than one action and that depends on whether you PRESS it or HOLD.

Controls On Foot – RDR 2

The following images show Red Dead Redemption 2 controls on Foot. As mentioned above, we have provided three sets of controls for it because few buttons have multiple functions, do take a close look at them.

Controls On Horse – RDR 2

The following images show Red Dead Redemption 2 controls on Horse. As mentioned above, we have provided three sets of controls for it because few buttons have multiple functions, do take a close look at them.

Controls In Vehicle – RDR 2

The following images show Red Dead Redemption 2 controls in Vehicle. As mentioned above, we have provided three sets of controls for it because few buttons have multiple functions, do take a close look at them.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is out now. We are covering a lot of guides on the game and you can check them all in our Red Dead Redemption 2 Wiki page.

UPDATE (October 31)

A lot of players are not happy with the official Red Dead Redemption 2 Controls Layout. There are hundreds of complaints in this regard on game’s official support page. To make your gameplay experience more smooth we have created an Important Red Dead Redemption 2 Control Tweaks guide – it lists five very important control tweaks that you must make now to improve your gameplay experience. The Control tweaks are for Sprint, Third and First-Person Perspective, Aim Assists, Aim Sensitivity, Camera, and Movement.