Look for the purple boxes to find Storage Containers.

Clearing out enemies in Rage 2 will allow you to explore the different locations of the world, and one of the objectives to fully completing an area is usually to find all of the Storage Containers in an area.  Among all the junk in the Wasteland of Rage 2, they can be a little bit hard to find.  When looking for Storage Containers in Rage 2 you’re going to want to look for these bins with the purple lid.

Some times these storage containers will be out in the open, other times they will be hidden at a bandit camp or other outpost type.  You’ll always be looking for this purple container though.  Inside Storage Containers you’re going to find different types of currency.  Some Storage Containers will contain Feltrite while others will contain cash.

Either item is good to collect because Feltrite will allow you to upgrade weapons and cash can be used to buy items at most vendors.  Finding all the Storage Containers won’t give you anything other than the contents in the boxes, but you will get that sense of completing an area at 100%.

Just look for the purple lid boxes to find all of the Storage Containers in any area and if you are having trouble finding one, make sure that you search for cranks or levers that can be pulled to possibly open doors or access other areas where they might have hidden a Storage Container.

More on Attack of the Fanboy :

Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Rage 2 Where Are Storage Containers

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