Psychonauts 2 has finally launched, to player and critic acclaim. The long-awaited sequel sees Raz return for more mind-altering adventures improving as he progresses. One of the most important pieces of gear that Raz will use is the Otto-Matic, the game’s upgrade system.
The Otto-Matic is Psychonauts 2’s shop, and players can use it to augment abilities, upgrade inventory space, and improve Raz’s rank to earn skill points. To use the Otto-Matic, players will have to unlock the game’s hub world-The Motherlobe. Here, players will see several TVs scattered around the area. Players can access Otto-Matcis by approaching them and pressing the prompted button above it. Each of these devices is an Otto-Matic that allows players to tweak Raz’s abilities and improve his performance throughout the game.
There are three portions in the Otto-Matic:
- Combine-allows Raz to create Challenge Markers and increase his rank, provided he has the materials necessary (PSI Challenge Cards and Cores.)Items-This portion of the shop contains consumable pieces of gear such as inventory upgrades, health replenishing lollipops, and PSI Challenge Cores.Pins- These passive pieces of equipment allow Raz to augment the way his psychic powers look and behave.
Players can scroll through the machine’s tabs to choose what they need and purchase it, provided they have enough Psitatium.
Raz will need to use these Otto-Matic machines frequently if he hopes to overcome the challenges coming his way throughout Psychonauts 2.
For more on Psychonauts 2, check out How to upgrade Mental Energy in Psychonauts 2 or our Psychonauts 2: TK-0 Achievement Guide here on Pro Game Guides.