The PSVR hit store shelves just about a year ago today, and Sony is celebrating with a huge sale on almost anything related to the VR gaming headset. Big games, small games, VR exclusives, it doesn’t matter, the PS Store probably has a discount on it starting today. There’s some really good games here too, even if you don’t have a PSVR sitting next to your PS4 right now, so keep reading to find out what are some of our best picks.

Star Wars Battlefront has had its Ultimate Edition dropped to a paltry $5.09 thanks to its inclusion of a VR minigame. Resident Evil 7 was one of the best games this year and it’s been discounted down to $29.99. The whole game is playable in VR and is still exclusive to the PSVR headset at the moment, so definitely check this one out.

But you don’t buy a PSVR just to experience the same games that are available in 2D. Job Simulator has continued to be one of the best VR experiences on any platform, and it’s price is down to $16.49 right now for this sale. Arizone Sunshine is also a solid VR exclusive title, especially with a price of $19.99. And if you love asymmetrical multiplayer as much as I do then you need to get Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes at a discounted $7.49.

Click here to check out the PSVR Celebration page which lists everything that’s been discounted for the anniversary.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / PSVR Anniversary Marked with Huge Sale

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