PS5 Digital Edition is set to be sold at $450-499, according to Digital Foundry. In new video analysis, the tech experts debated how much the unexpected digital-only model of Sony’s next-gen platform should cost. According to them, PS5 Digital Edition could indeed be cheaper than the base model but not as much as fans would expect. Thus far, Sony has only expressed the will to sell the console at an “acceptable price” for PlayStation 4 users, and these estimates seem to be in line with expectations, at least as a starting point.

Sony is said to save only $20 from not having a Blu-ray drive in that model, while it could double down on storage and charge even more than the regular PlayStation 5. That price could easily go down by a greater share in online revenues from PlayStation Store and services, as digital games provide Sony with an extra $8 profit compared to retail.

Based on these assumptions, Digital Foundry goes for a $499 to 549 price tag for the PS5 base model and $450 to 499 for the PS5 Digital Edition. Considering all the information delivered by the tech outlet, it makes sense, even though Sony might want to be more aggressive than that to help people really care about a Blu-ray drive-less console.

According to a recent report, it costs around $450 to produce the console, due to costly parts required to assemble and ship it.